Growing A Doomsday Garden

Growing a doomsday garden is something that you should look into now before you need to grow one. The best thing to do now while you have time is to learn how to garden. Learning about doomsday gardening without practicing how to garden will not help you.

Here is our watermelon patch in the orchard. In between rows of trees, we plant fruit and vegetable plants that are not in raised beds.Here is our watermelon patch in the orchard. In between rows of trees, we plant fruit and vegetable plants that are not in raised beds.

For the past several years, there have been all sorts of zombie shows, end of the world shows and prepper shows on television and at the movies. Then 2020 came along and it seems like the whole world was shut down. Grocery shelves were empty, everyone had to wear masks and avoid each other and a lot of people got sick. Many died. It was a horrible time for all of us.

During that year, many people saw those empty store shelves and decided to learn how to grow food on their own while they were on lock down. Seed orders were plentiful that spring and summer and many seed companies ran out of stock and closed for weeks at a time.

While many were learning how to garden, many others made plans to homestead. They bought property and moved out of the cities, discovering that there was peace out in the country. All of the city rules did not exist on homesteads out in the country.

Fortunately for us, (David and Juanita, the owners of David's Garden Seeds®),  we moved out to the farm in August of 2019, many months before COVID was heard of. We moved into a new manufactured home, set up raised garden beds, planted an orchard, and started preparing to bring our business out from the city to our property before the lock down.

Once COVID hit big in March of 2020, we had almost everything in place out on the farm for the business. Our garden was started. Our animal coops were being built and our business buildings were here on the property being finished.

(I just want to say that while many seed companies closed down or increased their shipping times to weeks instead of days, Juanita and David worked 12 to 14 hour days, except for on Sunday's, we worked only 8, so we could orders out with in two days, Our customers matter to us. It is not just about making money but making sure our customers get their products in a timely manner.)

Don't wait until doomsday to learn how to survive. Start learning how to garden now.Don't wait until doomsday to learn how to survive. Start learning how to garden now.

We just had to get through thousands of seed orders. We hired extra people and got busy working to fill the orders seven days a week, 12 to 14 hours a day for us, along with our large team who worked overtime. It took us about three months to catch up. By the end of June, we packed everything up and brought the entire business out to the country. It would have been much easier to have moved everything before Covid hit, but we did not know that anything like that would ever happen.

Plan ahead and learn to garden now while you can. If you have the opportunity to move out to the country, do so now while you can. Don't wait for another emergency or doomsday scenario to get out of Dodge.

Practice Growing a Doomsday Garden

You can read books and websites such as David's Garden Seeds® to learn how to grow many things but you need to actually plant a garden to make sure you can grow things. Another great website resource on how to grow vegetables is Mrs. David's Garden Seeds®. (And, yes, David and Mrs. David's Garden Seeds® are married. They have been since 1987.)

You should have books on wind power, solar power and finding water. These would be handy to have in a doomsday event.

Growing A Doomsday Garden Planning

As we said above, it is important to know how to garden before you need to know how to garden.  Let's begin our planning:

  • Read about how to garden.
  • Watch YouTube videos about how to garden. (Keep in mind that some of these people have no idea what they are doing -- even if they have thousands of followers.)
  • Get together with a gardener and learn his or her best gardening tips.
  • Get quality, Non-GMO, heirloom seeds (from David's Garden Seeds®).
  • Find a space in your yard where you can practice gardening. It can be directly in the soil or in raised beds.
  • If you don't have much space, try container gardening.

You can survive a doomsday event. But you will have to prepare. Preparedness is the one asset you will need to survive. You will need to learn how to camouflage your garden. You will need to know what you can preserve, What can be canned, dried or eaten fresh. What season to grow different vegetables in.

How to defend your garden from scavengers.I have seen some videos where the survivalist talks about defending their property with weapons, mines and hand to hand combat. This may work for a couple but people will come by the dozens looking for food. You will not be able to protect your garden from dozens. Have a plan.

You will have to determine ahead of time if you can actually kill a person to protect what is yours. Or will you see if you can talk them into trading.

Many will die in the first 21 days. They will die because they will expect the government to take care of them. A local city was without power for a few hours. People were on Facebook complaining about it. They expected the mayor to wave their magic wand and get the power back on.

When the crap hits the fan, politicians will only be thinking about themselves. Don't expect help from them.

Read more of our pages on what to do to survive.


Since 2009, over 1,500,000 home gardeners, all across the United States of America, have relied on David's Garden Seeds® to grow beautiful gardens. Trust is at the heart of it. Our customers know David's Garden Seeds® stocks only the highest quality seeds available. Our mission is to become your lifetime supplier of quality seeds. It isn't just to serve you once; we want to earn your trust as your primary supplier of seeds.