Here we will learn about Growing Doomsday Bean Seeds Pole from David's Garden Seeds®.
If you leave in a relative mild climate, you can grow pole beans which will continue to put out beans until the temps hit 50 or so.
I grew some when I was in Marquette, Michigan. They were 10 feet tall. I had to get a ladder just to harvest them.
Pole beans will require staking. Then come in colors of green, yellow and purple. Plant some of all three. Hopefully scavengers will see the yellow and purple, think something is wrong with them, and only take the green.
There is nothing wrong with the yellow and purple. Especially purple. Purple beans (purple vegetable in general) are richer in beneficial plant compounds that have been linked to health benefits, such as stronger bones and a healthier heart.
When picking out a growing doomsday bean seeds pole keep in mind that stores only sale green so it is what people are most familiar with. In growing a survival garden, we want to plant colors not sold in stores. People will think there is something wrong with them and hopefully, move on.
Growing doomsday bean seeds pole has several benefits.
The plants will keep producing until the temps drop. This means in some areas they will put out all season long.
Another benefit is that pole beans are usually longer than bush beans. This is advantageous in that you will not need as many plants to produce what you will need to survive.
In figuring out how many we will need for a 1200 calorie diet, we will need to compute how many beans needed. Then how many beans per plant. Then how many plants. We will want to grow enough plants to harvest for eating, next years seeds and some for trading/emergencies.
Our figures are for one person on a 2000 calorie per day diet for one year eating only beans.
One cup of cooked beans has about 44 calories. On a 2000 calorie diet this is 46 cups a day. This is about 17,000 cups a year. Hopefully you will have something else to eat besides beans.
1/4 pound of pole beans is about one cup. One pound of pole beans is about 4 cups. So you would need about 46 cups of pole beans per day to live. This is about 12 pounds per day.
To get 12 pounds, we would need about 6 plants per day for one person or 2190 plants per year. This is just for eating. This is a lot of plants.
seed production, you would need about 10 plants which will produce
about 300 seeds each or 3000 seeds. You would want 10 plants for backup
as well.
We will plan on growing 2300 plants. You would
need about 24 each of 4 x 8 foot raised beds for growing. And you would
need some kind of support for the pole beans.
Remember, we are just hypothetically speaking here -- hopefully there is more than green beans to eat.
it gets tricky is pole beans will produce about 3 times what a bush
bean will, depending on growing season, soil and so on. It could be more or could be less.
Pole beans will continue to produce until it gets too hot, but once it cools down they will produce once again or until they freeze, as long as you keep them alive.
Let us assume that we can get three times the amount of pole beans in the same space and time we can get bush beans.
that would mean you would need about 24 each 4 x 8 foot raised beds for
growing. You would also need some way to support the pole beans since
they can get up to 6 feet tall. I had some in Michigan that grew to 10
feet tall. I had to get a step ladder in order to pick the harvest.
Most of what applies to growing bush green beans also applies to pole beans.
Of course, if you grow the yard long bean, you would need even less plants and space to grow since they actually grow until they are three feet long.
In a survivalist garden, you would want pole, bush and yard long beans. Yard long comes in two colors -- green and red. They will produce and taste good even in the 90 plus degree weather.
Beans are easy to plant. Make a hole 1 inch deep and drop the seed in, cover. Keep moist. In 3 to 7 days they will emerge. For eating pick when pencil thick. Any thicker and they do not taste as good.
For saving seed, let them stay on the vine until dried.
Space your bean plantings so they do not all become ripe at once. You will need time to pick and can before getting too many since they will only last about 3 days, and 5 would be pushing it. They would no longer be crisp.
You can visit our website selection of pole beans by clicking here. We carry a great selection of green, purple and yellow pole beans. Start out by growing your own today and each year save them until you have enough for your doomsday kit. They will last about five years if kept in a cool and dry area.
Remember, you can survive but you have to prepare.
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