When growing doomsday beet seeds, keep in mine that based on a 1200 calorie a day diet, one would need about 18 beets a day. There are about 74 calories in one cup of beets. Two beets make a cup. (Size and type of beet will vary.)
One would need 6,570 beets a year to survive. There will always be some loss. And we would also need to grow some for seed production.
I do not know how many seeds a beet plant will produce but let's guess 100 seeds per plant. So we will need 65 plants for seeds for the next season and 65 for emergencies.
Let's plan on 7,000 plants. That, my friend, is a lot of beet plants to grow. And where would you put them all? You really need to plan on a lot of other things to eat including meat, grains, and dairy so you don't get burned out on beets.
So why should you grow beets? Beets are absolutely good for your body. They help to oxygenate your blood system, keeping you active for longer. They have lots of antioxidants that can repair your DNA. The darker the beet, the better. They are also full of fiber.
Stagger your planting so they are not all ready to harvest at once.
In growing doomsday beet seeds properly, one would need soil that is about eight inches deep. Each beet would need about 8 square inches of growing room. Usually the more growing room, the larger the beet. We would need about 800 square feet for planting beets (not including walking space).
Plant beets about 1/2 inch deep in regular soil but one inch in sandy soil. For seeds, let the beet grow. Stems will start to form from it with seeds attached to it. Let them dry.
Beets can grow as long as the soil does not freeze which means here we can grow spring, fall and winter. Beets also make wonderful food fodder for animals.
For our doomsday beet you would need about 1/3 of an acre for beets, which is much less than green beans.
Of course, we would take into account other stuff we are growing, raising, catching or hunting.
We have given the basic formula for one person for one year. From here you can break it down and figure out how many you need.
Also remember that for each person you need another unit for emergencies and another for the next year. Rotate the seeds so the new seeds are stored and the older ones are planted.
not store all your seeds in the same place. If you have them, glass
containers, which can be buried, would work best to hold your seeds in
until they are used.
Beets can be grown as long as the soil does not freeze and become hard. In some areas, you can grow beets all year long. If the weather is cool, then the beets will keep for several months when harvested. They can be kept in the ground and growing for quite some time as long as the ground is dry. If it is wet for a prolonged period of time, they will start to rot.
How many and what size and shape the beets grow, depends on the weather, soil, and watering conditions.
David recommends the following for growing doomsday beet seeds:
To prevent scavenging grow Beet White Albino and Beet Detroit Golden. These are not the normal looking beans you see in the grocery store. The idea is to trick someone who might find your garden. If they have never before seen white beets or yellow beets, they might think something is wrong with them. They won't steal them.
Hide your beet seeds. Have a couple of places to hide them. One easy so the scavengers can easily, but not to easy, find them. Hopefully after they find them they will leave you alone and move off to the next location.
Or they may protect you from other scavengers. Don't try to tell them you have nothing if you look like you are not starving. They will know you are lying and will search or torture you until you give it up. But be careful and do not give it up to quickly.
Use the 1/3 rule. Save 1/3 for planting next year, 1/3 for emergencies and 1/3 broken down into 3rds for scavengers and trading.
As time goes on, there will be fewer and fewer scavengers. It is better to have something to give them than to try to fight them. But have a plan to defend yourself if they get violent.
For regular gardening you can grow Beet Detroit Dark or really any kind you think you will enjoy the most.
David's Garden Seeds offers some wonderful varieties of beets. You can see all of our beet seeds here.
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